Saturday 2 February 2013

Odds and Ends

 sigh... Korean marketing. That cheese...they are so PROUD of that 83.5%. Ask me if I can get 100% cheese where I live. Go ahead...ask.

I put it on facebook, but I'll post it here too. That is $14 ya'll...

I don't hate these turtles or these fish that are as big as a pebble. But, I might be getting a love turtle with my friend in Seoul. They are about the size of an oreo cookie. Maybe smaller.
An outdoor market. $18/500g of beef here :) Unless you can talk a little Korean and perhaps show some super fun cleavage - then it's only $5/500..."service" :)

Well, look at that! The Koreans figured it out!!

 The wall of cement outside my apartment window :)

The Apartment

So, I took three videos. :)

The laundry room and my morning view...what I affectionately call "Ode to Cement".

This is just my bedroom/living room/computer room and dining room/kitchen

The view when I walk into my apartment and the bathroom that should just be burned down. I actually think they might be replacing it because I've made a ruckus about it... I'm such a brat :)


So.. a jimjillbang (pronounced Jim-Jill-Bawng)
A group spa - a bath house - where everyone is naked. They think the dye's in clothing is poisonous, and could hide disease, so the JJB's are clothing free!

Yup. I did it :)

Now... I ripped these pics off the web. I don't think the other ladies would have enjoyed me taking their pictures at 2am... :)

So you have multiple pools of different temperatures. Big beautiful hottubs, some with jets, some with crazy waterfalls, a pool temperature one, etc. There is a wet sauna, a dry sauna... but regardless, the air is so thick with moisture you begin to question if you're part dolphin.

Being first, might be awkward, but then EVERYONE is naked, so you quickly lose it. Even being the only foreigner or one of two foreigners where you expect to be stared at... it was different. I think I stopped being self conscious after the first two minutes.

You shower before going in, you shower before leaving. Up a level you can get a scrub or a massage...

Yup. I did it :)

those benches are slippery....and it gets even worse when they oil you up. Now, I got the scrub first...and Lord, they scrub you in places that you think they won't touch...nope. No place is unscrubbable.

At first, it feels amazing...soothing even to have your skin scrubbed off. It only gets rough when you realize they are doing it a second time. By the time they attack your very sensitive flesh for the third time, you start to realize with horror that you might see your blood vessels just a little bit better, and pleasantly you wonder if you're going to have any hair follicles left.

As for the massage...that little asian woman hopped on my back like a spider monkey and massaged me with her feet, ya'll. A true, straight up crazy asian massage.

Okay... so upon entering the JJB, you pay w14,000 (that's roughly $14). This permits you to use the spa and stay the night. Yup. Stay the night.

Yup, I did it.
The pic below IS one that I took.
This is the view from where I slept. Those lovely orange  clothes are the uniform they give you as soon as soon as you walk in :) You sleep on mats - the floor is heated, so no blankets required.
The only thing I can say about our stay here, is that there was a couple of drunk girls that came in at about 3am, and one of them we thought might be possessed. She was moaning and clawing at the floor for hours and hours. This poor girl was tormented by something awful. I still remember her name because her friend kept yelling at her. Tig Ea! lol... ah well.

So there you have it folks. My night at the JJB.

Monday 31 December 2012


*WARNING* Once you kpop, you can't stop!!!

I removed the you tubes... well, because I felt like it :) You can you tube these on your own.
1. Gangnam Style - Psy
2. Heaven by Ailee (Korean Beyonce)
3.  Like This by Wonder Girls (Korean Spice Girls) 
4.  2Hot by G.NA (The words to this song are "I'm hot, I'm hot, I'm really really hot"...)
5. Sherlock by Shinee (amazing dance choreography)

Saturday 29 December 2012

Odd's and Sodds

 This is my name in Korean!! :)

They organize words by syllables. That circle at the beginning is the symbol for "ng" since no words can start with a vowel here. The next to symbols are "U" as in fur and "E" and the one underneath is "N"

The next set is "ch/u/e/l"

The final two characters are "la"

So, really my name is

Yup. Cause dieting is super SEXY...

Amber and Al, you'll like this one, it's like they went to Fisher and bought the supplies they needed :)

The second level is a 3L beaker with graduations, it funnels into a titrator, goes down a separating tube into a separater funnel....and Voila! Coffee at the bottom.

I was so excited I almost peed my pants.

So, in Korea, if you are in a bus terminal, there may or may not be toilet paper my friends.

Luckily, they have toilet paper dispensers that you can purchase TP for w100 (about 10 cents) onveniently located outside of the washrooms

Just.... don't rush in and pee without checking the TP situ first...

Yummmm Korean bbq.

After 25 years of not being able to eat pork, here in Korea I can eat as much as I like and I NEVER get sick.

Gotta love those Canadian/American pesticides, hormones and growth factors...

Friday 28 December 2012

Christmas in the Garden of Morning Calm :)

 When Erin and I got to the garden it was still day light, and we were waiting for sundown, and it was freeeeeeeeeezing.

So, in the museum (also cold, this country apparently doesn't believe in heaters) this delightful painting has sparkles on it..

The sparkles are from 24 carat gold, nail polish and... damn I forget the other thing.
 Still not sundown yet, but close.
 This is the first place we saw - it had angels, santa sleigh,  and balls on the trees.

Haha, that part in bold reminded me of a journal entry of one of my male students:
"This weekend we put up the tree. It looked very nice. I put my balls on the tree"... lol
 Right before this pic, the phone was SO COLD, it died.

Because I'm a heater, Erin got me to hold onto it in between pics to keep it warm.

Guess all my insulation comes in handy ;)

 It doesn't matter that the pic of me is fuzzy, the funky heart on a stick makes me happy.
 Those light were actually orange, not yellow like it looks like right now.

I was so excited I begged Erin to take a pic of me with the orange and green juniper tree of my favorite colours.. :) (That's right!!  "u" in colours!)
 one of my favorite views from the garden, and now it's finally starting to get dark :)
 BEST VIEW of the night!! thanks to Erin.
She even noticed the first star that I've seen since coming to this country. She is my good luck charm :)
 Pretty Garden. Frozen Angela.
 Bet you wish you were in Korea now..
 In this pic you can see the star!!!!!!!
This is the millenium juniper tree. It's over 1000 years old.
Beautiful, gorgeous tree... :)

Loved this place!!! Going back in the spring when all the flowers are bloomed.

On the way to the Monastary...

So, on the way to the Monastery (this will make Tanya and Joe very happy) I am sitting beside a very good looking man... so of course I chat him up.
Angela: Are you visiting Busan or returning to Busan?
Al: (in very broken English)... I am not Korean.
Angela:...oh. Neither am I.

He starts to laugh and he gives me his phone number and email info - he's apparently Mongolian and they kind of don't beat around the bush.... huh. don't take that pervy :)

So after talking with him for a few hours, he starts whipping out his..........Korean to English phrase book (perverts, i knew what you were thinking) and below are some of the translations that had me laughing my ass off:

1. I am a beer bottle.... (I'm guessing they meant beer drinker)
2. What a fantastic!.... (I think I use this on a daily basis now with my friend Erin)
3. Yes, I will go all the way with you... (explaining this to the gorgeous Mongolian was fun ;) )

Buddhist Monk Monastary Temple Stay in Beomosa Mountain

Beomeosa (pron Bo-mo-sa... silent e's apparently)
This is the view from almost the top of the mountain where my friend Jenn Nentwig, and Erin and I went for our Temple Stay. This view was by far the most peaceful moment of my stay. That is a pic of the rising sun over the city of Busan. We had already been up for about 4hours by then...

So a Temple Stay is where you get to live like a monk for two days... for me it was a love hate relationship. I loved some of their precepts and will adopt many of them into my life, but... there was not one position there that wasn't painful. Your body just went from one painful thing to the next.

Monk life... is not for me. But the view certainly is..

 This was hilarious for the toilets.. (not squat toilets thank Heavens)

What's odd is that, for a place built on the cleansing of body and mind... they don't drink water. I was dehydrated for two days. Cups at the water cooler were the size of shot glasses. I had water shooters.
 One thing I loved about their buildings (this pic is of one of their temples that people can go and do their praying and bowing at) is that every surface is an opportunity for beauty. EVERY surface.
 This is inside the temple, just along their altar base boards. This is hand carved, and hand painted. The painting has to be redone fairly regularly to maintain it's beauty.

 So, here for table manners, it's considered rude to show your mouth while you are shoveling food in. So you learn to eat and suck face with your bowl to cover your mouth.

After each bite, you were to meditate in silence while you chewed. And you had to always put your spoon in the soup bowl, and your chopsticks always in the hot water bowl to rest.

Koreans are actually the only society to eat rice with a spoon.
Their spoons are longer and more petal shaped inspired by the lotus flower.

And yes, we had to say this chant before every meal. Which consisted of rice, soup, and side dishes of kimchi, etc. The monks were given the food by the members, so there was never any complaining. Every meal was a gift.

 This beautiful drum was played two times a day, of which we attended both: 9pm and 330am to both bid the animals to sleep and to wake.

The Buddhist monks are vegetarians, so to obtain the leather to make this drum, they waited till the cows died of natural causes.
 These beads...this my friends is what 108 bows looks like. At this point, I was still smiling and excited...

So, for every bead that went on this string, we did a Buddhist bow. You start standing up, feet together, hands in prayer position, and you end up on the mat on the floor to pray and bow, and rising again (your hands still in prayer position) using only your heel and leg muscles to stand upright again...feet together.

For those of you that don't think this would be painful to perform 108 in a row, I will show you how to do a proper bow, and then you will eat your words by doing 108. I'll use my prayer beads to count...

So, the blonde to my left is Erin :)

The brunette to my right is Jenn. And we are showing off our hard earned prayer beads.

 This pic is on the way up the mountain. About 3/4 of the way up there is another remote temple that people may pray at. The path is narrow and steep. This religion is definitely one of the more physically active ones...

 The two pics below are of the temple at the top of the mountain. In the one pic, that is the monk that often trained us... but I believe he was still in training..

 My two beautiful friends... xoxo :)

 This is a pic of Jenn and I in front of the building where we were trained, did the ceremonies, slept, etc. This is the Temple Stay building.

This was the tea ceremony from the last day right before we left. I'm with two other Americans

This is the pic with all the foreigners. Our interpreter Simone even referred to us as foreigners when addressing us...

"Foreigners! Please come around me."
"Foreigners, you forgot to put your mats away. Koreans all put mats away."
"Foreigners, eat all your food in your bowl. Do better next time."

For more pictures look on the pictures link :)